Sunday, June 21, 2009

Re-enlistment pictures and what not.

As a test to my high amounts of patience (anybody that knows me will laugh at that statement!) I'm just going to focus on loading some pictures today. A couple days ago I had the honor of doing the oath of reenlistment for 3 of my Soldiers, which to be honest, was awesome. It was their choice (I'd like to think) to have me do the oath, and needless to say, I was pretty honored. I'll also go through some the pictures I've taken and post them as well.

By the way, the pictures look yellow, because there was a small sandstorm going through. No biggie, but it does give the pictures a nice "effect." No photoshop required.

And that's me outside one of our tents. We're pretty proud of what we do. You can tell by the huge Engineering flag we fly on our living area.
And this is one of many pictures that just crack me up. So there's this billboard that we always drive by. It's a cigarrette advertisement for some french name. The box is blue, so the billboard has a picture of a guy with a blue eyebrow. Everytime we drive by it, we make up a new reason why the dude has a blue eyebrow. Any suggestions?
This picture doesn't need words, really. Just fuel for the ride.
This one, hmmmm, doesn't really need words either. What you see here is a picture of two donkeys riding on the back of what looks to me like a built-up motorcycle. And yes, there is a dude riding in the back with the donkeys!
And finally... just a glimpse of life through my eyes! I think when it comes to eye protection, you do get what you pay for. I bought myself a set of Oakleys before I deployed through their military website (yes, they have pretty awesome deals for the military), and the difference is amazing... the extra 40-50 bucks is most definitely worth it.
And Titi, I am so glad I read your blog. Thanks for the reminder. I didn't even know it was Sunday today.
Happy Father's Day, Dad.


  1. "If those idiots at Coors think they're cool because their cans turn blue when they're cold, just wait until they get a load of our Iraqi Blues... you're so frickin' cool when you smoke our cigarettes that your eyebrows turn blue!"

    Oh and you're welcome Daddy-o! Congrats on the swearing in honor... very cool indeed.

    Be safe and stay cool (maybe try some of those cigarettes).

  2. Thank you very much, Antonio. I spent Father´s Day at the beach on the Araya peninsula with 4 of my 5 sons and all 6 of my grandchildren ! We had a fabulous time, and we all missed you!!!

    Cuidate y recibe un abrazo de


  3. Your picture of the tricycle-truck reminded me that those were pretty common in Napoli when we lived there many moons ago. We had a friend that was riding behind one carrying a refrigerator standing up. At a light, the refrigerator fell back and hit our friend's car. Can you imagine having to tell your insurnace company that you were hit by a fridge!
    Cuidate, y besos de tu Tia Sara

    Rafa and Vivi make sure to bring pictures of the beach and all the kids together!

  4. Hey Antonio... about your implication that Pazos men start out cute and get ugly - that's not always true (well 90% of the time, but not ALWAYS). I'll cite the example of Antonio Pazos... very dapper and good looking guy. Now, what certainly can be said is that Pazos men start out bald and return to bald much sooner than other men. I named Radar after Rafa in hopes that he'd keep his hair a little longer!!! ;) Love you! Stay safe.

  5. Well yea... let's see, Javier... hmmm... all went bald. Jose Francisco? Not so lucky. Felipe is a 50/50 but there's plenty of those. So yea, I think Rafael was a good bet! :)
