Friday, June 5, 2009

Pictures... but not of my crib

First is first, I got tasked with doing inventories this morning, which obviously took most of my 'rest' day, so I didn't post the MTV cribs set of pictures. It'll come later. I will however, post some pictures, but before I do that, I gotta explain why.

Remember when I said I shaved my head? Well, the whole thing got popular and a few of my Soldiers did it. So this morning, I was in my Platoon Sergeant's tent (my platoon is split into two tents, and my PSG lives there) and I forgot what we were talking about, but my PSG told one of our privates he would shave his head if the entire Platoon shaved theirs. Well... when i get back from dinner about an hour ago, one of my Squad Leaders tells me my hair is getting long. I kinda get the hint and ask him where everybody's getting their haircut. So, by the time my PSG gets back from dinner, pretty much the entire Platoon is bald. I'd like to think they did it to make me feel good about my issues with being 24 and bald, but whatever; point is... we had some good laughs shaving people's heads.

Oh, I also got 2 packages yesterday. One from Tia Sara and another from Aunt Bonny. All I need now is to talk to one my interpreters so he can buy me a little electric stove to make some coffee in the mornings. I thought Venezuelans were bad... these Iraqis are ridiculous at bargaining. Thanks a lot! Again, getting mail is probably one of the best feelings when you're in a place like this, so thanks.

So, here are some of the pictures from our little haircut debacle!

The stereotypical angry Platoon Sergeant before getting his head shaved. He's not necessarily mad, but he likes people to think he's in a bad mood all the time. It's mildly contagious. I myself have gotten used to it, but it's always funny when we get a new Soldier in the Platoon. I guess it's good for discipline.

You might think the after picture looks like a smile, until you see the eyes. The fact that everybody was laughing at him probably didn't help. Either way, now my Platoon's got 25 angry, bald, ready to fight Soldiers. Life couldn't be better.

That would be me with the clippers. I was nice enough to volunteer to shave one of my Soldier's head. I thought I did a good job... and he looks pretty happy from what I can see.

That would be 1st Platoon, Eagle Company after getting 25 free haircuts. Needless to day, diversity is not an issue in my Platoon. It's been a long day, but at least we had some fun at the end.


  1. I forgot to say Happy 1 month deployment day! It's good to see all you baldies having fun. There are two more packages going out tomorrow, so be sure to get that portable stove (another stove top espresso maker and more coffee on the way along with other assorted goodies). And yes, the story about you and Rafa sweating it out (while you casually read Harry Potter in the back seat) on the way to Marco's wedding is truly a family classic (out of many classics!)

    Love you!

  2. I might have to shave my head now in your honor! ;-)

  3. Everything on and about your blog is outstanding. Congratulations! I love the pictures, especially the happy face fashion, even though it did not last long. But you look great with a shaved head.

    We're awaiting the arrival of Rafa, Vivi, Felipe, and Vivianita. The following week Andres should be arriving. And then we are all the closer to your September visit.

    Tomorrow is the Feast of the Holy Trinity, so I have been getting the songs ready for tomorrow morning's Mass. I haven't sung in the 7 a.m. Mass since before the trip to El Paso so I hope all goes well.

    Take care. I love you,


  4. Hola Antoñito.... Guao, al leer todo lo que escribes y ver las imagenes, solo puedo decirte que te CUIDES AL MAXIMO, y recuerdes que hay muchas personas que del otro lado del mundo que están pendientes de ti, ojala estés lo MÁS PRONTO POSIBLE de regreso y podamos tripiar tranquilos, sentados a la orilla de la power piscina, con un buen trajo de DIPLOMATICO entre las manos... TE QUIERO MUCHO HERMANO... Y PENDIENTE...

  5. Things must be busy over there primo... but Radar and I are just checking in to say hey and of course... WE LOVE YOU! Hoping all is well and that you're finding some shelter from the heat. Be safe and post again soon!

  6. Porque Pazos prueba perder pelo prematuramente por propio parecer?
    Pues porque puede podarse perfectamente!

    Besos de tu Tia Sara

  7. Hey Antonio, I'm a big fan of your blog... Long time reader, 1st time comment poster. I was just thinking Titi's photoshop contest was pretty fun, and I bet people could do some great stuff with your shaved head photo. Maybe you could post one with a goofy smile.

    Just a suggestion. Take care babes... We all love you. Marco, Frank & X
