Aside from that, everything's been pretty much the same lately. We're almost at the 6th month mark which is pretty nice.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
When it rains... it pours.
Aside from that, everything's been pretty much the same lately. We're almost at the 6th month mark which is pretty nice.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thank you thank you.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
By the way.
Not much to say

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Better luck at dominoes and Virginia Tech wins again!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Training the Iraqi
Friday, September 18, 2009
Domino night.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Facebook page.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Quick One
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Picture is worth a thousand words.


Sunday, August 2, 2009
Things that grind my gears.
So that ladies and gentlemen, is what grinds my gears. Anybody who's seen Family Guy will get the joke.
So yup, I get to chill in another place for (hopefully) not that long, and then, i'm on my way. Like Titi said, almost a direct flight to puerto ordaz. (it goes something like this: kuwait-germany-atlanta-miami-ccs-puerto ordaz) .
In the meantime, i'm going to try to find out if Rafa is still around. That would be pretty awesome, running into Rafa right now would make my day. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
On leave!
So yea, I'm taking leave 3 months into deployment. It's quite early. Originally I was scheduled for March, but I wont be a Platoon Leader then... I'm moving up to Company XO (executive officer) sometime in september. One of the main responsabilities I'll have is to prepare the company to be turned over to somebody else, including all the equipment we have. Come March, i'll be extremely busy, so I had to change my leave dates. And since August is a special month for my parents (it's their 40th aniversary), I figured might as well travel there when it's meaningful for them. So yup, 2 weeks in "not so hot" Venezuela, where I hear has been raining non-stop for a while! I can't wait for the rain!
On another note, I have been quite busy lately. I bought a pirated version of windows, which i'm currently running on my old computer. It works, but doesn't change the fact I'm sick of windows. I'll try to post some pictures while i'm at venezuela. I should be arriving there in about a week.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My computer just crashed. I guess when you have 80+ laptops in a 100 foot radius, viruses become pretty common. Well... my computer found a couple, said it took care of them... but yea... NO. As of right now, I can't execute anything, my wallpaper is a bright blue screen that says WARNING and some other stuff on it. I tried reformating my computer and it won't even let me do THAT. I asked around, and two other people got the same symptoms, and so far, they haven't been able to fix it.
So... I made a decision that I've been considering for a very long time now. I have officially had it with PC. I'm sick and tired of it. I just bought a Macbook pro online. Since they don't ship directly to APO addresses, it's gotta get re-routed some weird way and it should be here within the next 6 to 12 months... (more like 6 to 8 weeks...).
Whatever. I'll try getting on other people's computers when I get a chance, but no promises. This really sucks.
And, oh by the way, Titi took the lead in the "care package" race (yes... it is a race, something about being a Pazos... I dont know). I received 2 from Titi & Co. yesterday and she is leading the pack with 5, followed closely by Vivi & Co. with 3.
Anyway, it's not like I need a computer or anything... or like I lost files that I need... nah.
On another note, we're doing alright. The big news about pulling out of cities didn't really affect us too much, since we (like most other units) were already working on it ahead of time, to make it go by smoother, i guess. We'll see how it goes.
That's all I got. Till next one (whenever that may be)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Re-enlistment pictures and what not.
By the way, the pictures look yellow, because there was a small sandstorm going through. No biggie, but it does give the pictures a nice "effect." No photoshop required.
And finally... just a glimpse of life through my eyes! I think when it comes to eye protection, you do get what you pay for. I bought myself a set of Oakleys before I deployed through their military website (yes, they have pretty awesome deals for the military), and the difference is amazing... the extra 40-50 bucks is most definitely worth it.
Friday, June 12, 2009
New bed, new look
As far as news, there are some. I got a real bed now, with a wooden frame and drawers underneath it, which is awesome 'cause now I can use that to store my stuff. I also hung my VT flag directly above my bed. You know, that "feeling" of being at home. Also, two days ago while driving around, I saw a pack of camels around a pond drinking some water. There must have been close to 100 camels. I know, I know... the small things that make your day in a place like this.
As far as the picture challenge goes, Marcella, you're gonna have to use the one I got on the right side of the screen. As an adition to the challenge, you can try adding a funny smile on the photoshop. Let's see you try that.
The weather continues to get hotter as we head into the July-August months. You kinda get used to it, but it's still annoying on the days the AC goes out. I got the care packages Vivi & Co. sent. Aside from the red bulls and baby wipes, the korean energy drinks and other korean candies are awesome. Too bad they moved to that small and humble house in DC now.
Can't believe it's almost 2 months. Time does fly out here in the desert.
Here are some pictures of the new bed and the camels!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ok, the one on top is a picture of my area with the "curtain closed". The white thing in the right is our AC vent, which runs from that corner. You'd think that because i'm closer to the AC, my corner is cooler... no no nope. Think about the sun warming the tent, makes it very very hot. Well, i'm against two walls of the tent, which means i got more heat coming my way. Basically, my corner is warmer during the day, and cooler during the night.
The picture below is basically same as on top, but with the curtain open. I got a COT, with a small mattress on top. And a portable dvd player there on the matress. Helps kill some of the time.
The next two are the rest of the area, each picture turning 90 degrees. I got a 60 day calendar board to help me plan my stuff. The rest are the basics, coffee, goodies from the care packages, baby powder, etc... I also inherited a small desk from one of the guys that used to live here.
Well, there you go. That's where I live. It's got what I need and a little more. I got a small TV from the guys that we replaced and we placed it in the middle of the tent, where there's more room. One of my guys brought an XBOX 360, 4 controllers and some world war II style games. That's how they kill some time.
One last thing. We were driving through the town the other day and I had my camera out, taking some pictures of the locals. One thing I noticed, there's a lot of graffitis out here. So I took a picture of one of the graffiti's, and then I asked my interpreter what it meant.
So, that's all I got for now. I'll be posting some of the pictures I took from the people and the town on the next posts. Hope everybody's doing ok! Take care and i'll be reporting back soon!
ps. Vince, I got your package. I can tell you probably mailed a few to Neely when he was deployed. And the picture is hilarious, although I wouldn't show it to all my Soldiers though! Just the more senior ones.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Pictures... but not of my crib
Remember when I said I shaved my head? Well, the whole thing got popular and a few of my Soldiers did it. So this morning, I was in my Platoon Sergeant's tent (my platoon is split into two tents, and my PSG
Oh, I also got 2 packages yesterday. One from Tia Sara and another from Aunt Bonny. All I need now is to talk to one my interpreters so he can buy me a little electric stove to make some coffee in the mornings. I thought Venezuelans were bad... these Iraqis are ridiculous at bargaining. Thanks a lot! Again, getting mail is probably one of the best feelings when you're in a place like this, so thanks.
So, here are some of the pictures from our little haircut debacle!
You might think the after picture looks like a smile, until you see the eyes. The fact that everybody was laughing at him probably didn't help. Either way, now my Platoon's got 25 angry, bald, ready to fight Soldiers. Life couldn't be better.
That would be me with the clippers. I was nice enough to volunteer to shave one of my Soldier's head. I thought I did a good job... and he looks pretty happy from what I can see.
That would be 1st Platoon, Eagle Company after getting 25 free haircuts. Needless to day, diversity is not an issue in my Platoon. It's been a long day, but at least we had some fun at the end.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pics coming soon
Aside from that, pretty much the same... mail hasn't come in yet, but i'm sure i'll be seeing something when it comes! Looking forward to that. I think i've already lost about 5 lbs. Guess that's what happens when it's so hot out and you drink about 5 liters of water a day.
Oh, I just realized... I just hit 1 month deployed... TODAY. In fractions, for those of you that like that kind of stuff... that'd be 0.125/(0.75*2) or 1/12... whichever you choose.
Well, next post will be titled Iraq MTV cribs. On that note, I'm out.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thanks for the care packages and stuff.
Needless to say, still in Iraq. Almost a month deployed.... 11 to go. Somebody gave me an excel file the other day, it's called the Missery Meter, where you plug in the date you deployed, the length of the deployment, how much you make a month, and then breaks it down. It tells you how long you've been deployed in days, hours, minutes and even seconds. It also tells you how long you got left in the same way. At the time I write this, I got aprox. 29,213,832 seconds left in this deployment! I'm moving right along with a solid 2,379,767 seconds deployed! Take that TITI and your lame day by day countdown! (just kidding, you know I love you!). The meter also breaks down how I make my money... which is probably why it's a MISERY meter. Taking into consideration that I dont get to go "home" every night, and that I also work 7 days a week. I currently make just over $6/hr (assuming I work a 24 hr day, it's an Army thing... I'm a Soldier 24/7 kinda deal). My lowest ranking Soldier probably makes somewhere in the $3 to $4/hr vicinity. I know Felipe primo probably makes somewhere in this ballpark!
Today was maintenance day, which means we got sort of a break. We the most badass set of vehicles in our batallion, mostly because of the nature of our job. We set the route... nobody drives anywhere without us going first. We set our own schedule and other companies adjust to that. Can't really talk specifics about the vehicles on an open blog, for obvious reasons, but know that they are the best the Army's got to offer. We're currently working with some new technologies that supposedly work better in this counter-insurgency type of war we got ourselves in.
I finally got some pictures, although they aren't very special. Our AO (area of operations) is in what used to be a marsh. It's right by the Tigris (one of the olders rivers in the world kinda deal). From all the classes that i've taken on this area and culture and what not, I can tell you from memory that the population has gone down from 400,000 to just under 20,000 in less than 80 years. The place is pretty much a big dump, literally, trash everywhere. I think that's what we're trying to help with the most. Providing some sort of sewer system, hospitals, roads, water, electricity... they need a lot of help... it's sad. And they call this the birthplace of civilization (if you ask me, I think civilization moved out when he was old enouth to live on his own).
Pictures... ok. That's all I got for now. Oh, thanks for the care packages. I got the rum cakes and the trail mix Titi sent. I kept the rum cakes to myself and gave the trail mix away to my Soldiers (not really, but it sounds funny). I think we get packages once a week or something like that. I'll post next time something comes in. I know there's other stuff on the way... i.e. coffee! Either way, thank you, thank you, thank you. Really appreciate it!
I'm posting this one for a reason. Gotta love the earpiece coming from my mp3 player discretely to my right ear :)
One last thing. Because of the heat and also because there aren't any barbershops out here, I decided to buzz my head. My guys have had a good time making fun of my new look... I keep telling myself they only do this because they like me, but i'm starting to have second thoughts! (just kidding).
Well... like my blog-mentor told me, I can finish my blogs any way I want. Till next time. Thank you, come again (with an Apu accent, from the Simpsons)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
First time 'blogging'
Anyway, coming back to the pictures issue. Eventually, I'll start taking some pictures of the area and post them here. And that's all I got for now. (how do you end a post on a blog?... bye?)