Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pics coming soon

Ok, I was planning on writing today, and posting some pictures of my "crib" but yeah... that changed. Some things came up and now I got a whole bunch of things to do today. Most likely Friday i'll be posting those pictures now. The only problem with my internet is that it's pretty decent during the day time, but sucks at night, when I usually have time off. That's why I gotta wait on those pictures, 'cause if I try posting them at night, it'll take forever.

Aside from that, pretty much the same... mail hasn't come in yet, but i'm sure i'll be seeing something when it comes! Looking forward to that. I think i've already lost about 5 lbs. Guess that's what happens when it's so hot out and you drink about 5 liters of water a day.

Oh, I just realized... I just hit 1 month deployed... TODAY. In fractions, for those of you that like that kind of stuff... that'd be 0.125/(0.75*2) or 1/12... whichever you choose.

Well, next post will be titled Iraq MTV cribs. On that note, I'm out.


  1. Antonio:

    Te ves super flaco y malo en esa foto que pusiste. Pon otra con una sonrisa!!
    Me encantan los quotes. Muy original.

    Ya estoy preparando tu care package que lo voy a mandar con Vivi. Si quieres algo en particular de Vzla, me avisas. Por supuesto no pueden pelar las sambas de Fresas Jumbo (que en esto la gente está bien dividida- they either love them or are repulsed by them).
    Un besote grande,

  2. hmmm... can you say... Ovomaltina?

  3. Sweet hair cut brahhhh

  4. I'm sure we'll all be really jealous when we see your crib... and us girlies with a wee bit too much paunch around the waistline will be oh so jealous of your quick weight loss program... Oh well, we'll just have to learn to live with all of our envy.

    Love you! Stay happy and stay safe!
