Well, one thing. Yesterday I was sitting by my computer and this cute little spider (for some the spider might not be little and probably not cute either) comes out of the side wall, and continues to move until it was right by my computer. Then it proceeded to just SIT there. It gave me some time to call some people over and take some pictures before I did the right thing and put it to sleep (nice way to say smashed it!). Here are some pictures. We named the late spider Jimmy the Camel Spider in case anybody wishes to say their condolences.
The other pictures are from my new crib. You may notice my old computer, which I use strictly for work, since that's pretty much the only thing it's good for (there are some programs that dont have a version for MAC that I need to use in the Army, so the old computer is not completely worthless. It's got a "cheap" version of Windows that doesn't even let me set up a desktop background!) You may also notice the third screen, which is a monitor my company owns and nobody was using it, so I snatched it and use it to look cool and smart in my new home!

I got some in the other computer. I'll try to post them later. Till next one.
Nice digs! At least as compared to the old tent. And wow! Jimmy the Cammel should have been Jimmy the elephant!
ahora tienes 3 computadoras, no t puedes quejar.. jajajaj