Mail came in today. This little dude writing this post got 8 packages today! Talk about a morale booster! First of all: Sara, te pasaste! Ni sabia que Dan Brown habia salido con un nuevo libro! Great great present! Thanks. And the stress pillows are awesome! Thanks! Vivi, las tazas estan arrechisimas! Ahora tengo que tomar el triple de cafe, lo cual no creo que sea muy saludable. Sera que le sirvo menos cafe a las tazas! Gracias! And, as you'll be able to see from the pics, I got a pretty good assortment of venezuelan goodies! Thanks much to all. Titi, the new shipment of rumcakes arrived as well! I'll take one to Domino night tomorrow!
The new Dan Brown book looks pretty good. A new adventure awaits Robert Langdon so I gotta keep the post short! Can't wait to see how many crazy ideas he comes up with in this book and how many more people he's going to upset with it!
This definitely just made my day, probably my week and my month! I also got a trip coming up to Tallil so I'll be seeing Rafa next week (I should probably email him and let him know... right?)
Here are the pics!